About Echeveria (Lunar Mist) 

• Origin of Echeveria 

Echeveria is originally from Mexico, but there are also claims that it originated from the Eurasian continent and Africa. References to Echeveria can be found scattered throughout the legal codes of various countries worldwide, and it has even become a subject in classical novels and poetry. Based on deduction, Echeveria in Taiwan is believed to be an introduced species brought during the Age of Exploration by the Dutch. 

Echeveria is a perennial succulent plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family. The Echeveria cultivated at Weisen Echeveria Farm is edible and known scientifically as Graptopetalum paraguayense, commonly referred to as 'Lunar Mist', 'Windmill Grass', 'Divine Grass', or 'Guanyin Grass'.  

• Appearance of Echeveria 

The leaves are thick and succulent, with a pale purple or gray-green color, spoon-shaped and dense in texture, resembling a lotus flower in shape, hence its name. Some also call it "misty moon" because the leaf color resembles the hazy moonlight. It blooms profusely in spring with star-shaped flowers that typically have five white petals adorned with red spots. 

• Feature of Echeveria

Echeveria is a succulent plant characterized by its cool nature, with its leaves containing 97.8% water content. It has a mildly sweet, slightly sour, and slightly bitter taste. Echeveria is rich in minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, as well as vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, folic acid, niacin, β-carotene, and other trace elements. Its medicinal properties are documented in various traditional Chinese medicine texts. 

Echeveria, despite its slightly sour taste, is metabolized by the body as a natural alkaline food. This property is beneficial for balancing the body's pH levels. 

曾與Industry-Academia Collaboration with National Chiayi University,經研究發現,石蓮花有很好的抗氧化性,內含有豐富的膳食纖維,有助腸胃道的益生菌滋生,並且含有阿魏酸、沒食子酸 、蘋果酸、檸檬酸、有機酸,及許多很好的抗氧化物質及植物營養成分。其中,石蓮花發酵乳裡的蛋白質,在發酵的過程當中,會產生短鏈氨基酸,其元素可以阻斷脂肪的形成跟吸收,幫助促進排便。 

The academic research mentioned above is provided for reference purposes only. This product does not bear any responsibility for weight loss. 

The following literature is provided for reference only and is not associated with our company's products. 

• 濟世青草應用學(Authored by Professor Lee,1999edition)Taiwan 

• Magical Energy Soup(Authored by Zhang1998edition)Taiwan 

• 血糖值を下げるー石蓮花の薬効(upervised by Dr. Iriki, Medical Doctorate, Tokyo, Japan.DSPedition1997.)

• Research on active ingredients of Chinese herbal medicine<<Volume One>>(Institute of Chinese Medicine and Science1972.)
